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Get Data Sources

Get Data Sources


This API can be used to get the following attributes of data sources in JSON format.

custom_fieldsCustom fields like data source Stewards etc.
dbtypeDatabase type.
titleFriendly title of the database.
descriptionHTML description of the database.
idUnique numeric database identifier.
is_virtualTrue implies that metadata for the data source is updated through API.
uriJDBC URI to the database without the jdbc: prefix.
Example: mysql://mysql.example.com:3306/?allowMultiQueries=true
urlRelative URL path to the data source catalog page.

NOTE: This API is available from version 3.4 and later.


GET /catalog/datasource/?**<params>**

Replace <params> with your list of parameters. Multiple parameters can be combined as PARAM1&PARAM2

URL Parameters

Parameters can be none, any or all of the following:

idNoUnique numeric ID of a data source. Used to get metadata for a specific data source.
Example: /catalog/datasource/?id=9
titleNoGet all data sources with a given title. Title value is case sensitive.
Example: Get all data sources titled “Teradata Production DB” /catalog/datasource/?title=Teradata Production DB
dbtypeNoGet all data sources with a given type. dbtype value is case sensitive.
Example: Get all data sources whose dbtype is “sqlserver” /catalog/datasource/?dbtype=sqlserver
NOTE: Please refer dbtype values to get a list of data source types.
uriNoGet all data sources with a given uri.
Example: Get all data sources whose uri is “mysql://mysql.example.com:3306/?allowMultiQueries=true”
is_virtualNoGet all virtual or non-virtual data sources. 'is_virtual' can have two values
true - for data sources whose metadata is updated through API
false - for non-virtual data sources
Example: Get all data sources whose metadata is updated through API i.e. whose 'is_virtual' property is set to 'true' /catalog/datasource/?is_virtual=true
limitNoLimit the number of data sources returned.
Example: /catalog/datasource/?limit=10
skipNoSkip a number of records and return the rest. limit and skip are used for pagination of the results.
Example: /catalog/datasource/?skip=10
custom_fieldsNoFilter results based on Custom Field values. The general format for the filter is: /catalog/datasource/?custom_fields=[<filter1>,<filter2>]

Example Filter: Get all data sources with Jake Magner as a Steward.
/catalog/datasource/?custom_fields=[{"field_name":"Steward", "value":"[email protected]", "value_type":"user"}]

Example Filter: Get all data sources with "Gov Council" (user group) in Stewards.
/catalog/datasource/?custom_fields=[{"field_name":"Steward", "value":"Gov Council", "value_type":"groupprofile"}]

Example Filter: Get all data sources with Season (text field) set to Spring.
/catalog/datasource/?custom_fields=[{"field_name":"Season", "value":"Spring", "value_type":"text"}]
order_byNoOrder results by data source title.
Example: /catalog/datasource/?order_by=title


HTTP HeaderValue

Replace <your_token> with API Token which can be obtained from getToken API call (Get API Token).

Success Response

Content-Type: application/json

Status: 200 OK


               "value": "[email protected]",
               "value_type": "user",
               "field_name": "Steward"
               "value": "[email protected]",
               "value_type": "user",
               "field_name": "Steward"
               "value": "the jasons",
               "value_type": "groupprofile",
               "field_name": "Steward"
               "value": "Spring",
               "value_type": "text",
               "field_name": "Season"
       "dbtype": "teradata",
       "description": "<p>Description of Teradata</p>",
       "id": 9,
       "is_virtual": false,
       "title": "Teradata",
       "uri": "teradata://teradata.alationdata.com/DBS_PORT=1025,COP=OFF,CHARSET=UTF8",
       "url": "/data/9/"
       "dbtype": "hive2",
       "description": "",
       "id": 50,
       "is_virtual": false,
       "title": "Hive KRB 2",
       "uri": "hive2://test-cdh-2-kerberos.alationdata.com:10000/;principal=hive/[email protected]",
       "url": "/data/50/"

Error Response

Invalid Token

Status: 403 Forbidden


   "detail": "Authentication failed"

Missing Token Header

Status: 403 Forbidden


   "detail": "Authentication credentials were not provided."

Code Samples



#This is an example token. Please replace this with your token.


# List all the data sources

# Get a data source by ID
curl -H "TOKEN: ${API_TOKEN}" "${BASE_URL}?id=9"

# Get a data source by its title
curl -H "TOKEN: ${API_TOKEN}" "${BASE_URL}?title=Oracle DB"

# Skip the first three results and return the following 2
curl -H "TOKEN: ${API_TOKEN}" "${BASE_URL}?skip=3&limit=2"


import requests
import json

#This is an example token. Please replace this with your token.
headers = {'Token': 'dd2a282a-c580-48f6-b0c2-601cf2bf991a'}

req = requests.get('http://localhost:8000/catalog/datasource/', headers=headers)
datasources = json.loads(req.text)
for ds in datasources:
    print "ID: %d, Title: %s" % (ds['id'], ds['title'])