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API Reference
These docs are for v2024.1. Click to read the latest docs for v2025.1.

Native Data Sources API Overview

API Reference for Native Data Sources


In 2022.4, this API was updated to no longer work with OCF data sources. Use the new OCF Data Sources API to work with OCF data sources.


This API can be used for native data source operations such as:

  1. Create a Data Source
  2. Delete a Data Source
  3. Change or update Data Source details
  4. Run configuration checks
  5. Setup and run metadata extraction

This API is currently certified for mysql, oracle, postgresql, sqlserver, redshift, teradata, and snowflake.


Make sure to input these data sources in lower case for the JSON body.

Open API 3.0 Specification

The Data Sources API is described using the Open API 3.0 Specification (OAS). OAS is a broadly adopted industry standard for describing APIs.

To see the specification, replace {AlationInstanceURL} below with your Alation instance's URL and visit the link:



  1. These APIs are available in Alation version 2020.4 and later.
  2. The Swagger UI is not enabled by default on an Alation instance. Please set the flag alation.feature_flags.enable_swagger to True using alation_conf.