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API Reference
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Query Log Upload API

Query Log Upload (Push QLI) API


This API allows admin users to send query events for ingestion in Alation.


POST /api/v1/bulk_metadata/query_log_ingestion/**<ds_id>**/

Replace <ds_id> with the id of the data source for which the query events are to be ingested.

Data Parameters

defaultDatabasesstringYesDefault database used in the query. If no database is found, use an empty string ("").
sessionIdstringYesID of the session.
startTimestringYesThe starting time of the query. The format for this parameter is yyyy-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.SSS
For Example: {"startTime":"2017-10-11 10:21:22.23445"}
textstringYesText of the query.
For Example: {"text":"select * from emp_schema.emp_table"}
userNamestringYesName of the database account user.
appIdstringNoID of the application.
clientIdstringNoID of the client.
clientAddrstringNoIP address of the client.
For Example: {"clientAddr":""}
delayTimefloatNoNumber of seconds the query was delayed.
NOTE: This parameter is available in Teradata.
destinationTablestringNoThis parameter represents the target table to move the results of SELECT query.
NOTE: Currently this parameter can only be used for Google BigQuery, and only for customers on Alation's cloud-native architecture who have upgraded to QLI 2.0.
numResultRowslongNoNumber of rows in the result.
secondsTakenlongNoTotal time elapsed (time taken to execute the query in seconds).
sessionStartTimestringNoThe starting time of the session. The format for this parameter is yyyy-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.SSS
For Example: {"sessionStartTime":"2017-10-11 10:21:22.23445"}
totalIoCountintNoThe count of IO operation.
totalCpuTimefloatNoThis parameter represents the AMPCPUTIME in seconds.

Sample Request Body

{"clientAddr": "", "startTime": "2017-05-28 05:22:24.457416", "defaultDatabases": "test_db", "text": "SELECT * from schema_1.table_1", "sessionId": "sess1234", "userName": "test_user", "secondsTaken": 1} {"clientAddr": "", "startTime": "2017-05-29 05:22:37.457316", "defaultDatabases": "test_db", "text": "SELECT * from schema_2.table_2", "sessionId": "sess432", "userName": "test_user", "secondsTaken": 2} {"clientAddr": "", "startTime": "2017-05-29 05:22:43.457116", "defaultDatabases": "test_db", "text": "SELECT * from schema_3.table_3", "sessionId": "sess5678", "userName": "test_user", "secondsTaken": 5}

NOTE: The Request body can contain one or more JSON objects, each on a new line. Each line represents a query event.


HTTP HeaderValue

Replace <your_token> with API Token which can be obtained from getToken API call (Get API Token).

Success Response

Content-Type: application/json

Status: 200 OK


    "num_statements_input": 3,
    "job_id": 1
num_statements_inputRepresents the num of statements in the request body.
job_idUnique identifier of the job that is triggered after a success call to the API. This job is responsible to ingest the query events mentioned in the request body.
To know the status of a job, please refer Job Status API. The job status can also be found under the 'Query Log Ingestion' tab (https://<your_host>/data/<ds_id>/settings/import_queries/) of the data source.

Error Response

Invalid Token



{ "detail": "Authentication failed" }

Missing Token Header



{ "detail": "Authentication credentials were not provided." }

Non-admin user access

Status: 403 FORBIDDEN


{ "detail": "Permission denied" }

Code Samples



# This is an example token. Please replace this with your token.


# Ingest queries into a data source with unique identifier, 1
curl -X POST "${BASE_URL}/1/" -H 'content-type: application/json' -H "TOKEN: ${API_TOKEN}" --data-binary @body.txt

# contents of body.txt
: '
{"clientAddr": "", "startTime": "2017-05-28 05:22:24.457416", "defaultDatabases": "test_db","text":  "SELECT * from schema_1.table_1", "sessionId": "sess1234", "userName": "test_user", "secondsTaken": 1}
{"clientAddr": "", "startTime": "2017-05-29 05:22:37.457316", "defaultDatabases": "test_db", "text": "SELECT * from schema_2.table_2", "sessionId": "sess432", "userName": "test_user", "secondsTaken": 2}
{"clientAddr": "", "startTime": "2017-05-29 05:22:43.457116", "defaultDatabases": "test_db", "text": "SELECT * from schema_3.table_3", "sessionId": "sess5678", "userName": "test_user", "secondsTaken": 5}


import requests import json # This is an example token. Please replace this with your token. headers = {'Token': '2abcd-4c04-4c21-8692-eda27a877f90'} data = '{"clientAddr": "", "startTime": "2017-05-28 05:22:24.457416", "defaultDatabases": "test_db","text": "SELECT * from schema_1.table_1", "sessionId": "sess1234", "userName": "test_user", "secondsTaken": 1}\n{"clientAddr": "", "startTime": "2017-05-29 05:22:37.457316", "defaultDatabases": "test_db", "text": "SELECT * from schema_2.table_2", "sessionId": "sess432", "userName": "test_user", "secondsTaken": 2}\n{"clientAddr": "", "startTime": "2017-05-29 05:22:43.457116", "defaultDatabases": "test_db", "text": "SELECT * from schema_3.table_3", "sessionId": "sess5678", "userName": "test_user", "secondsTaken": 5}\n' # ingest query events response = requests.post('https://alation.yourcompany.com/api/v1/bulk_metadata/query_log_ingestion/1/', data=data, headers=headers) job_details = json.loads(response.text) print "Job ID: %s" % (job_details['job_id']) # check the job status job_id = job_details['job_id'] response = requests.get('https://alation.yourcompany.com/api/v1/bulk_metadata/job?id=' + str(job_id), headers=headers) job = json.loads(response.text) print "Job Status: %s" % (job['status'])