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Upload a data dictionary

Updates catalog object with the metadata provided in the data dictionary file.This endpoint can only be used by the Composer role and above by default. Setting the alation_conf parameter alation.feature_flags.disable_perm_check_on_upload_dd to true disables permission checks during the upload process, which may improve performance, and also makes it so only Catalog Admins and Server Admins can use this endpoint. For help using alation_conf, see [Using alation_conf] (https://docs.alationdata.com/en/latest/admins/AdditionalConfiguration/Usingalation_conf.html).

Upload Data Dictionaries
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The alation_conf parameter alation.feature_flags.dev_enable_data_dictionary_redesign must be set to true to use this API. For help using alation_conf, see Using alation_conf.

You can include columns in the data dictionary upload file, as long as you also include one of the higher-level objects (data source, schema, or table).


Known Issue

Currently, blank values for custom fields are not ignored and will reset the field value when uploading a data dictionary file with this API.

We're actively working on restoring the behavior of ignoring blank values while also providing an option to reset values when desired.

See Importing a Data Dictionary in the Alation docs for details on how to format the data dictionary file.
