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These docs are for v2023.3.5. Click to read the latest docs for v2024.3.5.

Log Based API Error Codes

Applies from release 2020.4

When reviewing the API logs, you can refer to the table below for error codes and the corresponding error details. The Alation API usage log public_api.log can be found at

  • Inside Alation Shell /data1/site_data/logs/
  • Outside Alation Shell /opt/alation/alation/data1/site_data/logs/
400000BAD_REQUESTInvalid request
400001INVALID_BI_KEY_FIELDInvalid key field in request query. Unable to fetch BI object(s) using the provided field as no such field exists
400002IMPROPER_BI_OBJECT_DEFINITIONDefinition of the provided BI object is improper
400003BI_OBJECT_FIELD_MISMATCHOne or multiple fields provided in BI object definition does not match the objects' being modified. It is usually the [id] field
400004BI_OBJECT_EXTERNAL_ID_MISSING[external_id] field is required in the request payload to create new BI objects
400006BI_IMPROPER_QUERY_PARAMETERSRequest query parameters provided are invalid or the type of value(s) is not supported. Please refer the API specification
400007BI_REPORT_INVALID_IMAGEThe uploaded image could not be identified. Make sure to upload the file in a supported format and with the [image] key. Please refer the API specification for more information regarding the request headers/ format
400008DATAFLOW_INVALID_JSONThe given payload is not a valid json
400009DATAFLOW_CREATION_NOT_DICTBulk create requires a dictionary of 'dataflow_objects' and optionally 'paths' associated
400010DATAFLOW_CREATION_BAD_REQUESTThe given payload has missing required fields or incorrect data. Please fix the errors and resubmit the request. Please refer the API specification and the API response for more information regarding the request
400011DATAFLOW_CREATION_INVALID_KEYSThe given payload has fields other than 'dataflow_objects' and 'paths'
400012DATAFLOW_OBJECTS_IS_REQUIREDDataFlow objects is a required input in the payload
400013DATAFLOW_OBJECTS_IS_NULLExpected a list of DataFlow objects but got 'null'
400014DATAFLOW_OBJECTS_NOT_LISTExpected a list of DataFlow objects but got a type other than 'list'
400015DATAFLOW_OBJECTS_EMPTYDataFlow objects list should not be empty
400016DATAFLOW_OBJECT_INVALID_TITLEDataFlow object's title is not a valid string
400017DATAFLOW_OBJECT_NULL_TITLEExpected a valid DataFlow object title but got 'null'
400018DATAFLOW_OBJECT_INVALID_DESCRIPTIONDataFlow object's description is not a valid string
400019DATAFLOW_OBJECT_NULL_DESCRIPTIONExpected a valid DataFlow object description but got 'null'
400020DATAFLOW_OBJECT_INVALID_EXTERNAL_IDExternal identifier is not a valid string
400021DATAFLOW_OBJECT_BLANK_EXTERNAL_IDExternal identifier should not be blank
400022DATAFLOW_OBJECT_NO_EXTERNAL_IDExternal identifier is a required input
400023DATAFLOW_OBJECT_EXTERNAL_ID_INVALID_PREFIXExternal identifier doesn't start with the expected prefix
400024DATAFLOW_OBJECT_NULL_EXTERNAL_IDExpected a valid External identifier but got 'null'
400025DATAFLOW_OBJECT_INVALID_CONTENTDataFlow object's content is not a valid string
400026DATAFLOW_OBJECT_NULL_CONTENTExpected a valid DataFlow object content but got 'null'
400027NODE_OTYPE_INVALIDLineage Node's Object type is not a valid string
400028NODE_OTYPE_BLANKLineage Node's Object type should not be blank
400029NODE_OTYPE_REQUIREDLineage Node's Object type is a required input
400030NODE_OTYPE_NULLLineage Node's Object type should not be 'null'
400031LINEAGE_NOT_SUPPORTED_FOR_OTYPELineage is not supported for the given otype
400032NODE_KEY_INVALIDLineage Node's Key is not a valid string
400033NODE_KEY_BLANKLineage Node's Key should not be blank
400034NODE_KEY_REQUIREDLineage Node's Key is a required input
400035NODE_KEY_NULLLineage Node's Key should not be 'null'
400036NODE_OBJECT_INVALIDLineage Node should be of type Object
400037NODE_OBJECT_NULLLineage Node should be of type Object but got 'null'
400038NODE_COLLECTION_NULLLineage Nodes list should not be 'null'
400039NODE_COLLECTION_EMPTYLineage Nodes list should not be empty 400040
400041PATH_EMPTYExpected a collection of Node Segment objects for a Path but got empty
400042PATH_WITH_NO_TARGETPath should contain target node(s)
400043PATH_WITH_DATAFLOW_AT_STARTPath should not begin with a dataflow node
400044PATH_WITH_DATAFLOW_AT_ENDPath should not end with a dataflow node
400045PATH_COLLECTION_IS_NULLExpected a list of Path objects but got 'null'.
400046PATH_COLLECTION_IS_NOT_LISTExpected a list of Path objects but got a type other than 'list'
400047PATH_COLLECTION_IS_EMPTYPaths list should not be empty
400048DATAFLOW_OBJECT_IS_INVALIDExpected a valid DataFlow object but got a different type
400049DATAFLOW_OBJECT_IS_NULLExpected an object of type DataFlow but got 'null'
400050PATH_IS_NULLExpected a collection of Node Segment objects for a Path but got 'null'
400051PATH_IS_NOT_LISTExpected a collection of Node Segment objects for a Path but got a different type
400052DATAFLOW_DELETE_BAD_REQUESTThe given query params has incorrect format or empty data. Please refer the API specification and the API response for more information regarding the request
400053DATAFLOW_OID_LIST_EMPTYDataflow object id list cannot be empty
400054DATAFLOW_OID_NOT_LISTDataflow object ids should be a list but got a type other than 'list'
400055DATAFLOW_KEYFIELD_INVALIDProvided dataflow keyfield is invalid. It should either be 'id' or 'external_id'
400056DATAFLOW_IDS_INVALIDDataflow object ids in the list are invalid, please ensure all ids are in a valid integer format.
400057DATAFLOW_EXT_IDS_INVALIDDataflow external ids in the list are invalid, please ensure all external ids are in a valid string format.
400058DATAFLOW_OBJECT_INVALID_IDIdentifier is not a valid number
400059DATAFLOW_OBJECT_BLANK_IDIdentifier should not be blank
400060DATAFLOW_OBJECT_NO_IDIdentifier is a required input
400061DATAFLOW_OBJECT_NULL_IDExpected a valid Identifier but got 'null'
400062DATAFLOW_OBJECT_WITH_NO_FIELDSDataFlow object should contain at least one field to be updated
400063DATAFLOW_DUPLICATE_RECORDDataFlow object with same object_id(id or external_id) already exists in the payload.
400064IMPROPER_QUERY_PARAMETERSRequest query parameters provided are invalid or the type of value(s) is not supported. Please refer the API specification
401000UNAUTHORIZEDUnauthorized request
403000FORBIDDENForbidden request
403001NON_VIRTUAL_BI_SERVER_FORBIDDENCannot modify a non-virtual BI server
404000NOT_FOUNDResource not found
404001BI_OBJECT_NOT_FOUNDRequested BI object is not found in the system
404002OBJECT_NOT_IN_BI_SERVERThe object is not in the given BI server
404003PARENT_BI_OBJECT_NOT_FOUNDThe referenced parent(s) to the object under modification does not exist
405000NOT_ALLOWEDMethod not allowed
409000CONFLICTResource already exists
429000MANY_REQUESTSToo many requests
500000INTERNAL_ERRORInternal error
500001API_THROTTLE_CONFIG_ERRORUnable to read or parse throttle value in conf. Rate should be a positive integer or None over a duration mentioned by s, m, h, d

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