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Migrate Data Sources from Native Connectors to OCF

Alation APIs can be used to migrate RDBMS data sources from built-in (native) connectors to OCF connectors in bulk. This method can be used for both Alation Cloud Service and on-premises instances of Alation. To see other options for migrating as well as general information about migration, see Migration from Native to OCF Connectors.

After migrating to OCF connectors, you will need to start using v2 of the Data Sources API to interact with your data source via API.



The migration process is irreversible and cannot be undone.

To migrate from native to OCF connectors using the API:

  1. Make sure that the required OCF connector has been installed and is available on the Alation server by going to Admin Settings > Server Admin > Manage Connectors. The Manage Connectors page displays all OCF connectors currently available on the Alation server. On this page, locate the OCF connector you are migrating to.
    1. If the OCF connector hasn't been installed yet, you will need to obtain the OCF connector from the Alation Connector Portal, then install the OCF connector on your Alation instance. See Manage Connectors for help with installation.
  2. Get the ID of the OCF connector by going to Admin Settings > Server Admin > Manage Connectors, then selecting the desired OCF connector. The connector's ID is shown in the URL in your browser's address bar. For example, if the URL of the connector page is https://{your-alation-instance}/admin/connect/123/, the connector's ID is 123. You will need this ID to make the API call.
  3. Determine the ID of the database type you are migrating from. This is shown under the Native Connector Database Type ID column in the table below. You will need this ID to make the API call.
  4. (Optional) Determine the IDs of any data sources that you don't want to migrate to the OCF connector. See How to Find Data Source ID for help.
  5. Refer to the API reference for [Bulk migrate data sources to OCF] to construct the API call.

Connector Database Type IDs

Native Connector Name on UINative Connector Database Type IDEquivalent OCF Connector
Azure SQL Data WarehouseAZUREDWSynapse OCF Connector
Google BigQueryBIGQUERYGoogle BigQuery OCF connector
DB2DB2DB2 OCF Connector
DatabricksDATABRICKSDatabricks OCF Connector
GreenplumGREENPLUMGreenplum OCF connector
Hive2HIVE2Hive OCF Connector
ImpalaIMPALAImpala OCF Connector
OracleORACLEOracle OCF connector
PostgreSQLPOSTGRESQLPostgreSQL OCF Connector
RedshiftREDSHIFTRedshift OCF Connector
SAP HanaSAPSaphana OCF connector
SASSASSas OCF connector
SnowflakeSNOWFLAKESnowflake OCF connector
SQL ServerSQLSERVERSQL Server OCF Connector
Sybase IQSYBASESybaseIQ OCF Connector
Sybase ASESYBASEASESybaseASE OCF Connector
TeradataTERADATATeradata OCF Connector
VerticaVERTICAVertica OCF conne