JUMP TOOAuth 2.0 API V2Authorization and VerificationCreate JSON web token (JWT)postIntrospect JSON Web Token (JWT)postGet JSON Web Key SetgetToken Authentication and Management APIRefresh & Access Token OverviewAPIAccessTokenCreates a new API Access Token.postRevokes all the active API Access Tokens for the user.postValidates the given API Access Token.postRefreshTokenCreates a new RefreshToken for the user.postRegenerates a RefreshToken, invalidating the current token in request body.postValidate the given RefreshToken.postAlation Agent APIAgentGet a list of AgentsgetCreate an Alation AgentpostRetrieve the Agent connectivity endpointgetList available Debian Alation Agent installer versionsgetDownload a specific Debian Alation Agent installer versiongetList available RHEL Alation Agent installer versionsgetDownload a specific RHEL Alation Agent installer versiongetDelete an Alation AgentdeleteGet an Alation AgentgetUpdate an Alation AgentpatchResync an Alation AgentpostRevoke the certificate of the Alation AgentpostSign a certificate for the Alation AgentpostAuthentication ServiceList available Authentication Service addon versionsgetDownload a specific Authentication Service addon versiongetArticles APIArticle OverviewArticleGET all articlesgetPOST an articlepostDELETE an articledeleteGET an articlegetUPDATE an articleputResurrect an articlepostBI Source APIBI Source (GBMv2) OverviewserverGET a list of BI ServersgetCreate a list of BI ServerspostGET a BI ServergetUpdate a BI ServerpatchMigrate curation data for a BI ServerpostfolderDELETE a set of folders from a specified BI ServerdeleteGET a list of folders from a specified BI ServergetCreate/Update a list of folder objectspostDELETE a BI folderdeleteGET a BI foldergetPartially update a BI folderpatchconnectionDELETE a set of connections from a specified BI ServerdeleteGET a list of connections from a specified BI ServergetCreate/Update a list of connection objectspostDELETE a set of connection columns from a specified BI ServerdeleteGET a set of connection columns from a specified BI ServergetCreate/Update a list of connection column objectspostDELETE a connection columndeleteGET a connection columngetPartially update a connection columnpatchDELETE a connectiondeleteGET a connectiongetPartially update a connectionpatchreportDELETE a set of reports from a specified BI ServerdeleteGET a list of reports from a specified BI ServergetCreate/Update a list of report objectspostDELETE a set of report columns from a specified BI ServerdeleteGET a set of report columns from a specified BI ServergetCreate/Update a list of report column objectspostDELETE a Report columndeleteGET a Report columngetPartially update a Report columnpatchDELETE a ReportdeleteGET a ReportgetPartially update a ReportpatchdatasourceDELETE a set of datasources from a specified BI ServerdeleteGET a set of datasources from a specified BI ServergetCreate/Update a list of DatasourcespostDELETE a set of datasource columns from a specified BI ServerdeleteGET a set of datasource columns from a specified BI ServergetCreate/Update a list of Datasource ColumnspostDELETE a Datasource columndeleteGET a Datasource columngetPartially update a Datasource columnpatchDELETE a DatasourcedeleteGET a DatasourcegetPartially update a DatasourcepatchpermissionDELETE a set of BI permissions from a specified BI serverdeleteGET a list of BI permissions from a specified BI ServergetCreate/Update a list of BI PermissionspostDELETE a BI permissiondeleteGET a BI permissiongetimagesDELETE the current image associated to this object using imagetype querydeleteGET an image associated with a BI object from a BI ServergetPOST an image associated with a BI object from a BI ServerpostuserDELETE a set of BI users from a specified BI ServerdeleteGET a list of BI users from a specified BI ServergetCreate/Update a list of BI userspostDELETE a BI userdeleteGET a BI usergetConnectors API (OCF)connectorsGet a list of connectorsgetConversations APIConversationsGet a list of conversationsgetCreate a conversationpostDelete a conversationdeleteGet a conversation by IDgetUpdate a conversationpatchPostsGet a list of conversation postsgetCreate a conversation postpostDelete a conversation postdeleteGet a conversation post by IDgetUpdate a conversation postpatchConversations API version 2Conversations v2 OverviewConversationsGet a list of conversationsgetCreate a conversationpostDelete a conversationdeleteGet a conversation by IDgetUpdate a conversationpatchAssigneesRemove all assignees from a conversation with given IDdeleteGet a list of assignees for a conversation with given IDgetRemove a conversation assignee by IDdeleteGet a conversation assignee by IDgetAdd one assignee to the conversationpostPostsGet a list of conversation postsgetCreate a conversation postpostDelete a conversation postdeleteGet a conversation post by IDgetUpdate a conversation postpatchCustom Fields APICustom Field OverviewCustom FieldBulk Read Custom FieldsgetBulk Create Custom FieldspostRead a Builtin Custom FieldgetRead a Custom FieldgetCustom Field Values APICustom Field Values OverviewCustom Field ValueGET multiple Custom Field ValuesgetPUT multiple Custom Field ValuesputPUT multiple Custom Field Values AsyncputData Dictionary APIData DictionaryGet data dictionary task detailsgetGet data dictionary task errorsgetUpload a data dictionaryputData Health APIData Health IngestionUpsert rules and data health valuespostData Health DeletionDelete rules and data health valuesdeleteData Health RetrievalRetrieve information about data quality fieldsgetRetrieve information about data quality valuesgetDatasources APINative Data Sources API OverviewdatasourceGet a list of datasourcesgetCreate a datasourcepostDelete a datasourcedeleteGet a datasourcegetUpdate a datasourceputdatasource config checksVerify configuration checksgetVerify network connection statusgetVerify service account authentication statusgetVerify service account privilegesgetdatasource metadata extractionGet a list of available schemasgetTrigger metadata extraction jobpostGet metadata extraction configurationsgetUpdate metadata extraction configurationspatchUpdate metadata extraction configurationsputmigrate native connector data sources to OCFBulk migrate data sources to OCFpostGet a list of available ocf connectors and their native datasourcesgetmigrate data source to Agent connectorMigrate a data source to AgentputData Sources API (OCF)datasourceGet a list of datasourcesgetCreate a datasourcepostDelete a datasourcedeleteGet a datasourcegetUpdate an OCF datasourceputdatasource metadata extractionGet a list of available schemasgetTrigger metadata extraction jobpostTrigger job to sync schemas from data sourcepostGet metadata extraction configurationsgetUpdate metadata extraction configurationspatchdatasource configurationGet General Configuration for DatasourcegetUpdate general settings configuration except Authpatchdatasource config checksVerify configuration checksgetVerify network connection statusgetVerify service account authentication statusgetVerify service account privilegesgetDocuments APIDocumentsDelete documentsdeleteRetrieve documentsgetCreate documentspostUpdate documentsputDomain APIDomainDeletes the requested domain(s) and their subdomains. Additionally, it un-assigns all the objects from these domains and subdomains.deleteRetrieve a list of domains.getCreate domains in bulk.postRetrieve a domain's detailsgetMove a domainpatchAdds the requested objects to a domain.postIt allows user to browse the domain rules, with some filters.postFolder APIFoldersDelete foldersdeleteRetrieve foldersgetCreate folderspostUpdate foldersputGroups APIGroup OverviewGroupGET multiple GroupsgetGET a GroupgetHomepage Preferences APIHomepage PreferencesUpdate group homepage preferencesputLineage API v2Lineage & Dataflows OverviewDataflowDelete a list of Dataflow objectsdeleteGet Dataflow object details and related pathsgetUpdate a list of Dataflow objectspatchCreate/Replace a list of Dataflow objects with lineage infomationpostLineageDelete lineage informationdeleteGet lineage informationgetPost lineage informationpostCross-System LineageDelete cross-system lineage recordsdeleteGet cross-system lineage recordsgetCreate cross-system lineage recordspostUpdate cross-system lineage recordsputDelete cross-system lineage recorddeleteGet cross-system lineage recordgetUpdate cross-system lineage recordputLineage API v3LineageDelete lineage (beta)deleteMy Domains APIMy DomainsAssociate users and groups to domainsputMembers Permission APIMembers PermissionAdd members to a resource.postReplace members of a resource.putRemove members from a resource.deleteNoSQL API v2NoSQLDelete NoSQL data objectsdeleteRetrieve NoSQL datagetUpdate NoSQL data objectspatchCreate NoSQL metadatapostOtypes APIOtypes OverviewotypeGET a response from the otypes API endpointgetPolicy APIPoliciesDelete Policies in bulkdeleteList PoliciesgetCreate Policies in bulkpostUpdate Policies in bulkputPolicy GroupsList Policy GroupsgetPrivacy Settings APIResource Privacy SettingsManage resource privacy settingspatchRelational Integration APIRelational Integration API OverviewSchemaGet schemas along with its custom fieldsgetCreate new schemas under a particular data sourcepostTableGet tables along with its custom fieldsgetCreate new tables under a particular data sourcepostColumnGet columns along with its custom fieldsgetCreate new columns under a particular data sourcepostChild columnsUpdate children of root columnspatchFetch children for columngetUpdate children of a sub-columnpatchJoinsGet joins by column (attribute) IDgetGet joins by table IDgetGet joins by column (attribute) namegetGet joins by table namegetGet joins by data sourcegetSCIM 2.0 APIAuthorization and IntegrationCreate SCIM TokenpostSearch APISearch OverviewSearchGET a response from the search API endpointgetSynonymsRetrieves synonym manifestgetClears current synonym manifestdeleteReplaces current synonym manifestpostTerms APITermsDelete TermsdeleteRetrieve TermsgetCreate TermspostUpdate TermsputTemplate Visual Config APIVisual ConfigCreate a new visual configpostList all visual configsgetGet a specific visual configgetUpdate an existing visual configputDelete a visual configdeleteGet a list of visual configs per object typegetUser APIUser OverviewUserGET multiple UsersgetGET a UsergetGET authenticated User detailsgetSuspend Duplicate User AccountsGet duplicate user accounts.getSuspend duplicate user accountspostUser API v2UserGET multiple UsersgetGET a UsergetWorkflows APIWorkflowsList workflowsgetRequestsList requestsgetCreate a requestpostShow request detailsgetReview requestsList my review todosgetApprove a review requestputReject a review requestputAdmin ✦Table Metadata Sync TriggerAPI Resources ✦API ResourcesCustom Fields (Legacy) ✦Find Objects by Custom FieldCustom Template ✦Custom TemplateFlags and Tags ✦Trust Check Flags APITags APIJobs ✦Jobs APIMetadata ✦Relational Get APIsGet Data SourcesGet SchemasRelational Integration v1NoSQL API ✦NoSQL API v1 (Legacy)Open With ✦Open With (DataOS)Alation Data ExplorerOpen-With RegistrationQuery ✦Queries APIQueriers APIsQuery Log Upload APIUpload Logical Metadata API ✦ULM OverviewULM with Article IDVirtual Systems ✦Virtual File System APIsVirtual Data SourceVirtual BI ServerDelete Policies in bulkdelete {protocol}://{base-url}/integration/v1/business_policies/This endpoint is used to delete Policies in bulk.