Query Log Upload (Push QLI) API
This API allows admin users to send query events for ingestion in Alation.
Replace <ds_id> with the id of the data source for which the query events are to be ingested.
Data Parameters
Name | Type | Required | Description |
defaultDatabases | string | Yes | Default database used in the query. If no database is found, use an empty string (""). |
sessionId | string | Yes | ID of the session. |
startTime | string | Yes | The starting time of the query. The format for this parameter is yyyy-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.SSS For Example: {"startTime":"2017-10-11 10:21:22.23445"} |
text | string | Yes | Text of the query. For Example: {"text":"select * from emp_schema.emp_table"} |
userName | string | Yes | Name of the database account user. |
appId | string | No | ID of the application. |
clientId | string | No | ID of the client. |
clientAddr | string | No | IP address of the client. For Example: {"clientAddr":""} |
delayTime | float | No | Number of seconds the query was delayed. NOTE: This parameter is available in Teradata. |
destinationTable | string | No | This parameter represents the target table to move the results of SELECT query. NOTE: Currently this parameter can only be used for Google BigQuery, and only for customers on Alation's cloud-native architecture who have upgraded to QLI 2.0. |
numResultRows | long | No | Number of rows in the result. |
secondsTaken | long | No | Total time elapsed (time taken to execute the query in seconds). |
sessionStartTime | string | No | The starting time of the session. The format for this parameter is yyyy-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.SSS For Example: {"sessionStartTime":"2017-10-11 10:21:22.23445"} |
totalIoCount | int | No | The count of IO operation. |
totalCpuTime | float | No | This parameter represents the AMPCPUTIME in seconds. |
Sample Request Body
{"clientAddr": "", "startTime": "2017-05-28 05:22:24.457416", "defaultDatabases": "test_db", "text": "SELECT * from schema_1.table_1", "sessionId": "sess1234", "userName": "test_user", "secondsTaken": 1}
{"clientAddr": "", "startTime": "2017-05-29 05:22:37.457316", "defaultDatabases": "test_db", "text": "SELECT * from schema_2.table_2", "sessionId": "sess432", "userName": "test_user", "secondsTaken": 2}
{"clientAddr": "", "startTime": "2017-05-29 05:22:43.457116", "defaultDatabases": "test_db", "text": "SELECT * from schema_3.table_3", "sessionId": "sess5678", "userName": "test_user", "secondsTaken": 5}
NOTE: The Request body can contain one or more JSON objects, each on a new line. Each line represents a query event.
HTTP Header | Value |
TOKEN | <your_token> |
Replace <your_token> with API Token which can be obtained from getToken API call (Get API Token).
Success Response
Content-Type: application/json
Status: 200 OK
"num_statements_input": 3,
"job_id": 1
Name | Description |
num_statements_input | Represents the num of statements in the request body. |
job_id | Unique identifier of the job that is triggered after a success call to the API. This job is responsible to ingest the query events mentioned in the request body. To know the status of a job, please refer Job Status API. The job status can also be found under the 'Query Log Ingestion' tab (https://<your_host>/data/<ds_id>/settings/import_queries/) of the data source. |
Error Response
Invalid Token
"detail": "Authentication failed"
Missing Token Header
"detail": "Authentication credentials were not provided."
Non-admin user access
Status: 403 FORBIDDEN
"detail": "Permission denied"
Code Samples
# This is an example token. Please replace this with your token.
# Ingest queries into a data source with unique identifier, 1
curl -X POST "${BASE_URL}/1/" -H 'content-type: application/json' -H "TOKEN: ${API_TOKEN}" --data-binary @body.txt
# contents of body.txt
: '
{"clientAddr": "", "startTime": "2017-05-28 05:22:24.457416", "defaultDatabases": "test_db","text": "SELECT * from schema_1.table_1", "sessionId": "sess1234", "userName": "test_user", "secondsTaken": 1}
{"clientAddr": "", "startTime": "2017-05-29 05:22:37.457316", "defaultDatabases": "test_db", "text": "SELECT * from schema_2.table_2", "sessionId": "sess432", "userName": "test_user", "secondsTaken": 2}
{"clientAddr": "", "startTime": "2017-05-29 05:22:43.457116", "defaultDatabases": "test_db", "text": "SELECT * from schema_3.table_3", "sessionId": "sess5678", "userName": "test_user", "secondsTaken": 5}
import requests
import json
# This is an example token. Please replace this with your token.
headers = {'Token': '2abcd-4c04-4c21-8692-eda27a877f90'}
data = '{"clientAddr": "", "startTime": "2017-05-28 05:22:24.457416", "defaultDatabases": "test_db","text": "SELECT * from schema_1.table_1", "sessionId": "sess1234", "userName": "test_user", "secondsTaken": 1}\n{"clientAddr": "", "startTime": "2017-05-29 05:22:37.457316", "defaultDatabases": "test_db", "text": "SELECT * from schema_2.table_2", "sessionId": "sess432", "userName": "test_user", "secondsTaken": 2}\n{"clientAddr": "", "startTime": "2017-05-29 05:22:43.457116", "defaultDatabases": "test_db", "text": "SELECT * from schema_3.table_3", "sessionId": "sess5678", "userName": "test_user", "secondsTaken": 5}\n'
# ingest query events
response = requests.post('https://alation.yourcompany.com/api/v1/bulk_metadata/query_log_ingestion/1/', data=data, headers=headers)
job_details = json.loads(response.text)
print ("Job ID: %s" % (job_details['job_id']))
# check the job status
job_id = job_details['job_id']
response = requests.get('https://alation.yourcompany.com/api/v1/bulk_metadata/job?id=' + str(job_id), headers=headers)
job = json.loads(response.text)
print ("Job Status: %s" % (job['status']))